Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Week 9 & 10

I have gotten waaay behind in posting.  So, here's a double-up on the weekly update.
The garden is now well over half full, and we still have a ton of plants in the greenhouse to put in.  We also have lots of remaining seed.  The seed will be used to fill in gaps where other seed didn't germinate.  The weirdest thing is the radishes...I think that maybe 3 plants have come up, and we planted a full row of radishes and another row of radishes and carrots mixed.  It's really weird, especially since the radishes were extremely prolific last year.

I also decided to put down black plastic.  The wire grass/crab grass is driving me crazy again, and I know that the plastic is one way to defeat it.  We did not buy the was in the Batcave, another gift from Mr. C.  It's not enough to cover the rest of the garden, but between it and some black landscaping fabric he also left, we're in good shape.
This shot has the vining "trellis" we built for the cucumbers.  Zero cost...there is a bamboo grove within walking distance from our house, and last year Jacob, Will, and I cut a bunch of bamboo poles for garden use.  We need to go harvest more...there will be more tomatoes in the garden this year.

The fly in the ointment is the rabbit.  He's eaten nearly all the bean plants, peas, and has started on Angel's sunflowers.  We haven't been able to stop him.  More about that in a later post.  The goal this week is to get everything out of the greenhouse and into the garden.

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