Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Tomato Insanity

The garden is now fully planted.  All 12 seedbeds have seeds or plants in them.  I still have some plants in the greenhouse, but I will slide them in as current crops are harvested and space becomes available.
Above is a picture down the length of the garden.  At the far end are the tomatoes, planted in the two seedbeds that I covered with black weed-blocking fabric.  It's not plastic, but a fibery fabric that water can pass through.  It absorbs sunlight, warms the soil, and makes tomato roots happy.
I have put 73 tomato plants in the ground.  Yes, I know.  That's a crazy amount of plants.  I have a problem.  I have put in 14 different varieties, one of which was a unknown volunteer tomato that came from some compost I used to fertilize some other seedlings.  Here's the cheat sheet I created as I was transplanting them.
Most of these are types that I have not grown before, so I'm expecting a few surprises.  I'm happy with the mix of different varieties, and I'm really looking forward to the peak of the season.  These all went in the ground a week or two ago.  Tonight we were out in the yard and Angelia noticed a small green fruit on one of the Park Early Hybrids.  Many of the tomato plants are putting out flowers.  I see a lot of canning in my future.  Salsa anyone?

1 comment:

  1. 78 tomatoes, 90 cucumber plants. Maybe I'm not so crazy after all. Or we both are. Either way, we're both going to have a lot of veggies. Thanks for commenting...I look forward to hearing about your crazy cucumber harvest this summer.
