Sunday, March 9, 2014

Snow Day

We've had a bumper crop of snow this winter.  This last storm plopped 4 or 5 inches on us with a nice crusty layer of sleet on the bottom.  My
wife snapped this sweet shot of Sven and Steve braving the elements.  These guys are gardeners to be reckoned with...ever vigilant, ever present...heck, they don't bat an eye at anything.  I got in a staring contest one time with Sven, and he crushed me.  Didn't blink once.

I am hopeful the snow is all behind us for 2014.  My wife says Mother Nature has one more surprise left in store.  We'll see.


  1. We have been lucky to avoid snow all spring and just have rain instead. But the forecast says we are out of luck! Snow tomorrow for us too!

    1. I am jealous of your rain. I hope the snow doesn't damage anything you are growing. I took a look at your blog...great stuff there!

  2. We (in Idaho) want our snow back! You have stolen it and the ski resorts are in trouble. Karren and I never even got to use our cross country skis once this winter. Lots of little storms that barely covered the ground, but not enough to amount to anything. Give us back our snow!

    1. We have had our fill of snow this year. I would gladly give it all back to you. Naturally, because this is Virginia, the high today will be 75 degrees. Crazy.
