Monday, April 21, 2014

Endings and Beginnings

I harvested the last of my parsnips.  Some of them had started showing their age...their skin had become bumpy and large crevices had formed
on a few.  The vegetable peeler will eliminate these imperfections as it always does.
The new hotness in my garden is asparagus.  I realize now that I need a much bigger asparagus patch, as the demand is far outpacing production.  These 4 spears are the largest harvest we have seen so far.  I am thinking about digging up a portion of the existing bed and separating it to have plants to put into a new bed. We'll see.  From what I have read, that is a project for fall, not spring.

Parsnips and Asparagus; out with the old, in with the new.  For now.


  1. I only get a harvest of parsnips every other year...those stinkers are hard for me to germinate...

    1. My first attempt at germinating parsnips was a total failure...I waited too long and it was too hot. Second go round, I sowed early and they sprouted.

  2. I'm sure I need a bigger asparagus bed too. I guess I'll find out when it starts to produce. But this is just year two so no harvests this year.

    1. I had strong temptations last year. I kept attempting to rationalize..."Just a handful of spears won't hurt, right?"
